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5 Days IAS Hacking Workshop

We help UPSC aspirants struggling with Time Management & Right Strategy to increase the Productivity by 10X to crack UPSC in 6 Months

Without multiple Bulky books, Daily Newspapers and Long Hours of Study

Kickstart your UPSC preparation Like a TOPPER

UPSC and Productivity Coach
6+ years of Coaching Experience
Helped 5,000+ students to transform their IAS preparation journey

UPSC and Productivity Coach
6+ years of Coaching Experience
Helped 5,000+ students to transform their IAS preparation journey

Reserve a seat before to unlock Bonuses Worth ₹10,496

featured in

Video Testimonials

What Will You Learn In this 5 Days IAS Workshop



Understand the Preparation Process, take it as a Game, get the right strategy and become IAS


Current Affairs

How to cover Current Affairs without Reading Newspaper daily


Smart Hour Sequence

Clear 3 stages of the UPSC Exam like a Topper using Smart Hour Sequence

Reserve a seat before to unlock Bonuses Worth ₹10,496

Magical Experiences Of Our Students 

– Rajeswari Kashyap (Journalist turned Aspirant)

"I find this workshop to be very comprehensive, interesting & concise kind of a workshop"

– Prabhleen (Aspirant)

"I felt like this workshop should never end"

– Ripunjaya Raba (MBBS Doctor turned Aspirant)

" I learnt that there are some really cool techniques to simplify UPSC Preparation"

Reserve a seat before to unlock Bonuses Worth ₹10,496

Text Testimonials

When you attend the 5-Day IAS Hacking Workshop

Get rid of reading newspapers daily and master the formula to stay updated about current affairs leaving the boring newspapers behind. 

Stop writing endless answers. Learn the techniques to write the most Effective answers

Prepare for IAS without being an alien to society, and spend time with your loved ones

Get rid of bulky books and the stress they cause to your mind

Don't take tension and define your syllabus and stick to what you really need to learn

Stop wasting your whole day studying without retaining much 

Reserve a seat before to unlock Bonuses Worth ₹10,496

You should join IF you are

Please Check All Boxes Where Your Answer Is YES!

The Cost of Not Taking Action

Working in the private sector but aspire to be a Civil Servant (IAS)

Feeling impossible to clear the UPSC exam

Failing to manage time between mountain size courses

Studying for 15-20 hours straight but not able to retain much

Finding difficulty in defining the whole syllabus

Feeling stress and lacking self-confidence while preparing

Compromising on your social life 

Feeling a distant from family, friends and society while preparing

Lack proper guidance, finding difficulty to find a right mentor

Dealing with inconsistency and procrastination

Note: If you checked ANY of the boxes above, then you’re invited to join The 5 Day IAS HACKING Workshop.

Reserve a seat before to unlock Bonuses Worth ₹10,496

If you still don’t believe us, you can hear them out:-

"This workshop has given me a very good idea to Kickstart my Preparation"

Tasneem Banu

" My entire perspective towards this exam changed after this workshop"

Indusha Reddy

"Before this workshop I thought UPSC was undoable"


"This workshop has given me a very good idea to Kickstart my Preparation"

Tasneem Banu

" My entire perspective towards this exam changed after this workshop"

Indusha Reddy

"Before this workshop I thought UPSC was undoable"


Unlock Bonuses Worth ₹10,496

Value = ₹3499/-
Value = ₹2499/-
Value = ₹1999/-
Value = ₹2499/-

Time is running out.(Last Few Seats Left)

Reserve a seat before to unlock Bonuses Worth ₹10,496

Meet your Mentor

Sumanth Makam

(Academic Director at National IAS Academy)

I am Sumanth Makam, the creator of one of the most Effortless and Productive IAS Preparation Hacks. The Smart Hour Technology helps students Catapult their UPSC Preparation like a Topper in just 5 Days.

Over the past 6 years, I have trained more than 5462+ students who have successfully transformed their UPSC Preparation. Helping them in the most practical and efficient way to retain, learn, and manage their time to the best. Boosting their confidence and encouraging them to keep preparing. Providing them with proven techniques to deal with tough situations and remain stress-free. Helping them in dealing with the social pressure they go through.

I think preparation for UPSC is just like preparing for a game. In other words "Success in UPSC Exam is not based on the number of books you read, or the number of hours you invest, but success is based on building the ability to answer the Previous Year's Questions and understanding the tricks of the examiner.”

Get breakthroughs during the workshop itself


Students Trained


Customer Satisfaction



Here's How You Can Change Your Life

Step: 1

Signup for the workshop

Step: 2

Join WhatsApp Community

Step: 3

Access your Free Bonuses

Step: 4

Attend 4 days workshop

Step: 5

Kickstart your IAS Preparation Effortlessly & Productively

(like a Topper)

Read What Other have to Say About Us

The Cost of Not Taking an Action

In their actual words...

Experiences shared by people who previously attended this workshop

Keep using old methods of study and not retain much knowledge

Stay under-confident about your capabilities and make repetitive mistakes

Keep comparing yourself with others

Face failures and decide to leave your Dream of becoming an IAS

Fail to manage the huge syllabus within timelines

Continue facing social pressures and mental stress resulting sometimes into suicidal actions

Questions generally asked about the masterclass

We have tried our best to answer all the frequently asked questions

When does the Workshop start?

The workshop will be held from Monday to Friday.

What will be the timing of the workshop?

The workshop timings will be 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm.

I am a working person, not sure if I can make it, will you share the recordings?

Yes, all the videos (Live & recorded) will be shared with you except for Day 4. Valid for only same week of the workshop (Our intention is that students should complete these tasks quickly in same week itself)

When will I receive the bonus?

After the Workshop is done, you will receive all the bonuses within 48 hours.

Is there any further mentoring after 5 Days Workshop?

Yes, there is a complete 12-Month Mentoring to 10X your UPSC Preparation and increase your chances of getting through the exam in your First Attempt itself. 

Are these strategies and secrets available on the internet?

You get information from the internet but this workshop aims to give you the transformation to Kickstart UPSC Preparation like a Topper. Get value-packed information from Mr Sumanth Makam with 6+ years of experience.

For any support, please mail to enquiry@nationalias.com. our support team will get back to you within 24 hours.

©️ 2024 nationalias.com. All rights reserved.

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